Sunday, January 24, 2010


Where do I start? I suppose the best place to start is with a purpose. The purpose of this blog is to provide an opportunity for me to journal my current and future experiences in my life primarily my life in Athletics. This however is impossible to document without talking about my life as a whole (my faith, family, friends, and past experiences) because as many athletes will tell you, you can't separate your athletic life from the rest of your life. Being an athlete (especially when you chose it as a profession) seeps into every aspect of your life.

I have been very blessed to find myself in situations that have fostered my survival and growth in the sport of track and field (there have been many with such talent and promise and contracts, that have been unable to support themselves or continue in the sport that they love). God has blessed me and surrounded me with people and situations that have supported me in my endeavors. It has not been easy all the time, and it has not come without a price. But it has made me stronger and all the "hurdles" (no pun intended) that I have had to overcome, has prepared me for this time. I look forward to what is in store, but I stay ever present in where I am now and am grateful for and thank God for, and am focused on what is happening now.

Therefore, I am joining all of you that have already blogged, not only to share these experiences, but primarily its a chance for me to have a document that I can look back on and gauge where I've been, and get a good idea of where I am going and where I would like to go.

That last paragraph was probably more for me (and may not make much sense to the reader). At anyrate, that's my genesis (most posts probably won't be as deep, but there might be a smattering of deepness here and there). I am going to try to post every sunday, but we'll see.

I gotta figure out how to get some pics and video's on this thing :-)

I think this is a good 1st post. Might put one up later in the week.

-Signing out (I'll probably test some signature ending phrases until I find a phrase I like)